Monday, April 18, 2005

Walk in Faith

Yesterday at church, the message was WALK IN FAITH.
Abraham was told by GOD to pick up and move. To start his own nation, and thrive. Abraham had to have faith that GOD would provide for him during this time. Abraham picked up and left everything familiar to him. He did not know how far he was going, when he would get there, or what he would encounter along the way. He did not have an army to protect him.
We did not move to South Carolina for a religious reason. We had to have faith that this was the right thing to do. We left behind sights and sounds that were familiar. Left behind family. Going to a place we had never even driven through. We didn't know anybody where we were going. For a few days, even a job was partialy in question. We kept faith that this was the right thing to do.

It was.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Kelly and I moved to Kenosha to witness to my parents. We were going to move to Wisconsin weather we had jobs or not. I ended up getting hired at a shcool before I was even certified.
I think when you choose to follow the Lord its better than any life we would lead of our own devices. Even if we end up like St. Steven.
Sorry to hear about your sons arm. I hope it isn't too itchy under there. Merideth is an absolute doll. Buggers in all.