Friday, June 03, 2005

Runner up

I'm just a runner up. You know, second choice. First choice, in Cari's eye, is Kenny Rogers.
I'm learning to accept that now. Next week I put another slash mark on the wall, bringing the total years Cari and I have been married to nine. I guess I have that over Mr. Rogers.
Actually, Cari's love of Kenny has brought me fortune over the past few years. When we went to see him perform, Cari demanded that we have a digital camera that could also take video. Our old digital couldn't do that, among other things. So, we ran out the day before the concert and purchased a very nice digital camera. I love taking pictures, so this worked out for me.

After I wrecked my car, we were out looking for the replacement. We went out to test drive a car, and Cari knew it was the one when we started it up. Kenny was playing on the radio when the car was started, and that is the car I have today.

Being the runner up is turning out to be a pretty good deal after all.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Who really could resist Kenny!?!