The problem is not an infection or cold. The problem is the extreme concentration of pollen in the air. It coats everything. Every car has a yellow tinge to it. The sidewalk and benches are dusted in yellow. Put on some yellow-lens sunglasses and you will see the world as I see it. That is just fine, it doesn't really bother me.
What does bother me is inhaling this powder into my body! My lungs do not need a fine yellow coating!
It was supposed to rain today. That would have knocked out much of the yellow in the air.
It got really cloudy and cold.
No rain.
My world is still a yellow haze.
I tried to take a few pictures while coughing and choking tonight. Here's one of the trees that is guilty of creating this mess.
D left his car at the airport for 10 days while on a business trip. When he came back, he couldn't find it. "Who parked a green car in my spot?! Oh. Wait..."
ahhh...spring in south carolina.
I used to have to wash the windshield every day when I got out of work in the spring because the car would be COVERED. Oddly it didn't bother me then, but yesterday I was outside with the kids for less than an hour and I was paying for it all evening.
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