Saturday, October 13, 2007

camp . . . interrupted

I was awaken at 12:30am last night. The voice waking me was my neighbor. He was standing among the field of tents. "Ed! Ed!"

I kinda woke up and peered out of the tent. "Go home, Cari's water broke!"

I get my shoes and stumble into the building where the campout was being held. I left a note for everyone else that we had left. I went back and got Randy and we drove home.

Cari and I arrived at the hospital around one in the morning. The got us up to the birthing dept quickly. A nurse got Cari all set up with monitors.

There is so much more I want to tell you about the past twenty four hours. BUT I have several more things I have to do this evening, so the story will wait until tomorrow. I want to tell you about Cari's twelve hour delivery process from my point of view.

To hold you over, I present you:

Brenna Amanda
17.5" long
Born 12:54pm Oct 13, 2007
(almost five weeks early- Cari was only about 34 weeks)


Anonymous said...

Hi Eddie & Cari,
CONGRATS!!!!!! She is a beautiful new addition to the family.

Steve, Meg, & Tyler

Anonymous said...

Yay! She is so beautiful. Hard to believe that you can love someone so much that you havnet even really met yet. Congrats. Love you guys :)

One Scrappy Gal said...

Welcome to the tiny baby club!! :)

She's lovely. I'm glad mom and baby are doing well and look forward to reading about the birth from your perspective. :)

Welcome to the world, Brenna!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope all is well, and that Brenna will be able to come home for good soon.

Becky, Grant, Penelope and Reagan said...

Yay! I cannot wait to meet her! I hope you are all doing well!!! =)
Love, Becky & Grant (Brenna's new favorite aunt and uncle! ;))

Anonymous said...

Congrats. She beautiful.

But no fair. Here we are at 39 weeks and a couple days and still no baby!