Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wheat Field

I drive past this field everyday as I come and go from work. Last week I threw the camera in the car on the way out and hoped I would find a good side road to pull over on.

After a very frustrating day at work, I drove toward the field and found that side road. The road winds through some woods and hills and comes out on the back side of the field. The sun was still a bit higher than I would have hoped for, but I needed to stop and forget about my day.

I've never stopped and looked at a field of wheat up close before. The first thing that jumped out at me is that crickets LOVE the field. I pulled my car along side with the windows down and three jumped in. I got out of the car to get a few shots and with every step, countless crickets would shoot out from the ground. As I looked closer, I noticed them hanging all over the tall shoots of wheat.

The second thing about the field is the song that it sings. You may not know about the song unless you've spent some time standing next to a wheat field on a quiet day. It's the sound of wind brushing the dry stalks against each other. It's a quiet rustling sound. It's a song that will take your frustrating day and carry it across the field and over the hills.


Anonymous said...

Great capture. Both of these are excellent shots. That's why it pays to ALWAYS have a camera with you, if possible.

rakethetable said...

Did you taste the wheat?

It looks ready for havest.

RoadRunner said...

Great pictures! You have a talent for seeing the art in everything.

Melba said...

Yeah there is nothing quite like that sound and the serenity of the wheat blowing in the breeze. Glad you were able to find a way to blow away the cobwebs of your crappy day...pretty pictures!