Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This is the text I received from Cari while at work on Tuesday: "We need a new coffee pot. . . "

In my head I could imagine her standing over the grave of the broken coffee pot, pleading with it to spit out one more cup. In my vision, she was still holding her coffee cup in her right hand while she pushed buttons on the old machine. After sending her a response that I would bring home a newer, better coffee maker, I suggested she chew on some grounds until I get home. I don't think she appreciated the timing of my humor and I have a vision of what gestures she may have made as she read my text.

You wouldn't believe the reception I got as I walked in the door after work. She was so glad that I was home that she ran up to me and unburdened me of the large box I was carrying. She must have noticed how tired I looked.

As Cari read over the instruction manual, yeah - girls read those things, here are a few of the helpful tips she found:

Problem: The coffee is not brewing.
Possible Cause: the appliance is unplugged.
Solution: plug it in.

Problem: The coffeemaker only brews water
Possible Cause: There are no coffee grounds in the filter basket.
Solution: Add the desired amount of coffee to the filter.
It seems that the people at Coffee Mate don't expect you to know anything.

I looked for the section that tells you how to deal with a wife that hasn't had coffee all day, but couldn't find the solution.


Becky, Grant, Penelope and Reagan said...

I think the solution is to make a starbucks stop on the way home! ;) Grant got me a coffee maker for my birthday! :)

Poptart said...

You were her knight in shining coffee maker.