Monday, June 14, 2010

Paint the World!

I turned my back on the two year old for just a moment.  Seriously, it was like five minutes.  She was watching television and the room was quiet.

Too quiet.

A quiet that tells an experienced dad that he better check it out.

I looked to find the two year old sitting on the floor painting her toe nails.  With real nail polish.  Her legs and arms had also been painted.  I walked over to her to assess the damage.

The floor was painted with the nail polish in a radius that the two year old arms could reach.

I looked up to turn the tv off as I dealt with the mess and that's when I saw it.

Stripes of burgundy polish on my LCD tv.  The polish was already dry.

Seriously?  I'm telling you in five minutes the girl went from sitting on the couch watching television to finding a bottle of nail polish, painting herself, the tv, and the floor.

My Google search of how to remove the polish resulted in the most common answer of "good luck".
I put the baby to bed where she could do the least amount of damage and started to carefully remove the polish.

I was able to remove it with a three step process.
1. 60 / 40 mix of water / polish remover wiped onto the polish with a paper towel.
2. light rubbing with a Mr. Clean magic eraser (didn't leave any scratches or marks on the tv).
3. final cleaning with Windex and a soft towel.

This took a long time because I attacked each streak of polish one at a time.

I was mostly relieved to have it all cleaned, but if I hadn't gotten it off was this my chance to get a 50"?