Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A New Bathroom Experience

I think we are long overdue for a bathroom change up.  It's probably not something that everyone is comfortable talking about but something that effects every single person.

The problem is that as the Earth's population grows and clean water becomes a bigger concern we need to find ways to conserve water.

My proposed solution is a toilet that uses no water.   Think about how many times you flush over a gallon of water into the sewers each day.  Multiply that by all the toilets in your community.  That's a lot of water we can use for other purposes.

This new system that I propose be placed into every home by the end of summer and in restaurants by the end if the year is basically a large version of a kitty litter box.  I have named this innovation the granulal toilet system or the GTS.

I anticipated some push back on this idea at first and that's why I have been testing the system at home for the past two months.  I wanted to work out some of the bugs before going public and I wanted to be able to answer your questions once you install one in your house.

During my testing I realized pretty quickly that a standard cat litter box was not going to work for regular human use so I quickly upgraded to an under bed storage container.  These were shallow enough to be comfortable for use but held enough volume that I didn't have to scoop out the litter after each use.

Clean up is pretty easy thanks to the great clumping power of modern cat litter formulas. Once installation becomes wide spread we will see some great innovation in granual toilet systems.  I predict self cleaning boxes with mechanical scoopers during the first 9 months.  As a bonus, if you have cats you can share a box and have one fewer boxes to scoop out! A win / win no matter how you look at it.

Another benefit is that GTS won't be tied to water supplies and drains.  If you need to move your litter box closer to the TV, do it!  If you want to move it into your room at night, do it!  If you want to set up additional boxes for increased capacity during a party, do it!  That's the beauty of this flexible system.

It is estimated that using GTS in a home will save the average family of four about 880 gallons of water each week!!!!  With all this water no longer needed to be flushed down a toilet we will have more water available for things like watering our lawns and washing our cars during the dry season.  I just don't see how any of us can go wrong by switching over ASAP.

Once we get the population on the system the next project will be tackling the 40 gallons you use for each shower that you take.


Mark said...

This is the innovative "out of the box" thinking that will keep prosperity alive in this country. Good job!

Unknown said...

Soooo we might just wait and see how you're goes?? πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘