Tuesday, November 09, 2004

This is not a test.

During this past summer a hurricane was passing through our area. We mostly got heavy rains from this, but it also caused tornado warnings. One particular night this was happening, I was playing on the computer. We had the windows open and it was raining pretty hard. About nine pm, Cari came in the room and asked if I hear that siren type noise.
"yeah, I hear it."
"What do you think it is?" Cari asked, but she already knew the answer.
I calmly answered her, "a siren." I was very involved in a game at this point.
"I think it is a tornado warning from town."
"ok.", I was still playing my game, and town was at least a mile away.
Cari went back to the living room, trying to get more information from the weather channel then she was getting from me. The satellite was having problems keeping a signal, but my game was still playing great. About that time, someone started banging on the front door. Cari was in the front room, and started to talk to this person through the window. I came over to see what was going on. It was our across the street neighbor, whom we had not met up to this point. It is still pouring rain. He told us the siren noise, which had not stopped, meant there was a tornado spotted in town. Cari asked if we should get the kids downstairs. He is a pretty big guy, and he was looking nervous. He told us we should bring the kids downstairs and bunker down.
Does this mean I need to turn my game off? Maybe this is a bit serious. This guy had lived here for years, and he was getting nervous. He must not be into computer games. Well, I made the decision that I should pay attention to what was happening. Turned off the computer, and helped move the kids downstairs. Cari turned the computer back on and got some weather information, the satellite was still on and off.
We never found out where the tornado was. A few people around the neighborhood told us various rumors of its location, but no damage was ever reported that I know of. At least I learned how serious that siren was. Seems they don't turn that thing on just to test it.

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