Wednesday, August 31, 2005

2:30 am

I was up a little late last night. At around two am, Cari came into the room. "You still awake?", she asked. I asked her if she was feeling alright because she normally doesn't get up at two.
She said she was fine and went back to bed. I assured her I would be to bed soon.

Soon is not really a measurable term. It's open to interpretation. If I found a hundred dollars in the road, I would say I found a lot of money. If Donald Trump dropped a hundred dollars he wouldn't say he lost a lot of money. I like words like "a lot" and "soon". You can never go wrong with a term like that.

So when I said I would be to be soon, Cari must have been expecting me within five or ten minutes.

She got up and came back into the room around 2:30 am. "I thought you were coming to bed soon.", she told me.
"yeah. It hasn't been soon yet.", I replied with a smile. She went back to bed and I heard the bedroom television come on. I figured I should get some sleep or I would certainly pay the price at work. I shut the computer off and went in to bed.

Cari was watching hurricane coverage on the weather channel. I tossed and turned for a bit and realized I couldn't get to sleep.
I was almost scared to ask, but I looked over at Cari and asked, "are you going to turn that off soon?". She turned from the TV to face me with that look. "It's after two thirty in the morning, can you watch that tomorrow?", I continued. She gave me a smirk and turned back to the weather.

Without even looking back at me she replied, "I'll turn it off soon.


Miranda said...

I like Cari. First the coke pics and now this. You've got a good wife.

Michelle said...

Christ said he would retrun soon!! lol...