Sunday, February 26, 2006

Stupid Birds

I keep a bird feeder well stocked for all the birds to enjoy. In return I get to enjoy watching various birds eat their lunch at my house.

Yesterday there were about twenty birds between the feeder and the trees in the yard. We had cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins, and about three variety of smaller birds that I don't know the names of. I put my new zoom lens on the camera and went to sit on the porch.

Slowly. I mean, REALLY slowly, I opened the door and stepped onto the porch. It took about five minutes for me to open the door, step out, close the door ever so gently, and sit in a plastic chair.


The birds were gone.
"Stupid birds!", I yelled to any that were within earshot.
Giving up was not an option so I sat in that chair staring at the empty feeder. Slowly the small birds came back. I wanted a nice shot of the cardinal with all his color.

Heard a noise, looked to my left, saw the bright red feathers in a tree near the feeder. Put my camera to my eye, and


"Stupid cardinal!" I hope he heard me that time too. I was tempted to go and take my feeder down. It takes one bird to ruin it for them all! For a few minutes I thought about camping on the porch all day just to make the stupid thing starve. Then I'll go take a picture of it laying on the ground for being too stubborn to eat while I was out there.

As I argued with the cardinal, three small birds decided to feast and ignore my screams.

The best picture I got of the birds that day was a Robin. As I was walking out to get the mail, this bird was standing at the base of the mailbox. I didn't see him until I was close enough to kick it. No, I didn't take my frustration out on this bird. It did fly a short distance to a tree in my yard. I was able to walk over and take a very close shot while he sat there.The cardinal should take a lesson from the Robin.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I get lots of birds in the summer. In the winter the squirrels get the food before the birds do. My parents have some of the little ones in their hedges and they just sit there and look at you