Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Trash Talk

We live outside of the city limits. That means we have to find our own means of getting the trash to the dump. We have hired a local pickup truck for this task. When the Yankee moved in down the street, he also hired this pickup truck.

Today is trash day. The doorbell rang earlier and it was Yankee. "Has the truck come for your trash?", he asked.

"You just walked passed my full trash cans to get to my door, Yankee.", I answered full of sarcasm.

"I was just wondering if you knew what was going on.", he said.
I looked at him with a blank stare. My front door was still in my hand, ready to be pushed closed.
"Yankee.", I said. "It's trash. They'll pick it up. I'm not worried about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write about you on my blog."

He looked confused, "You're what?"
I closed the door.

Ok. That is not really the truth. Anyone that really knows me, also knows that story isn't true. I'm way too lazy to get up and answer the door.

What really happened was Cari got up to answer the door. He asked her about trash pickup. She asked him if he noticed our trash cans still sitting at the corner of the driveway. Then Cari looked down toward Yankee house and saw his trash. "Guess they haven't come yet.", she said.
Sorry, once again, not true. I honestly don't know what was said.

What is true is that the trash didn't get picked up today. I don't know why, and I don't care. In a few days, if I still have trash sitting on my drive, I'll care. Guess the pickup truck won't be getting his ten bucks this month.

It's also true that Yankee came over and asked Cari about the trash situation. Any fool could have looked to see that we still had trash out there too.

I'm sure he just wanted to check out my wife.


Duck Hunter said...

Cari said I'll have to watch what I say about Yankee. Maybe one day we'll become friends and tell him about the blog.

I assured her that would never happen.

Speed Seeker said...

And if you became friends, I wouldn't have these hilarious posts to read.

I like the sarcasm. ;)