As I got closer, I noticed that one of the mob was Cari. Another of the mob was the neighbor from across the street.
"Hey!", I thought to myself. "I live on one of those streets where all the neighbors hang out in the road talking." How cool is that?
Instead of pulling up and going into the house, as my usual anti-social self, I decided to walk over and see what was going on. The group was Cari, our neighbor from across the street, the Atheist, and his wife. . I wasn't greeted with "hello." or "how was your day?", They asked, "Where's your shoes?" I had taken off my shoes on the way home. When I took them off, I wouldn't have guessed that everyone would be staring at my feet, as they were at that moment.
Then I noticed the 17 year old boy from across the street cutting the Atheist's yard. His mom saw me watching him and told me he was getting $20. Then she turned and looked at my yard and asked me if I wanted him to cut mine. He's trying to get gas money so he can drive the truck. I explained I was trying to get gas money too, and could not afford to pay anyone to cut my grass.
We all stood there staring at the boy cut grass for a while. That's the nice thing about paying someone to do some work for you. You can stand and watch them work while you do nothing, and have no guilt about it.
By the way, he didn't have shoes on either.
Wow, $20 for cutting the grass? I though $15 was bad enough.
As far as the shoes go...did you say you are originally from KY. ROFL
You should volunteer on nights and weekends to cut all the yards in your neighborhood. For $20 a pop you'd have more than enough money for gas. It's a win-win situation!!
Cool. Now he can go to chruch instead of cutting his grass.
yesterday, the kids came over and cut my grass. FOR FREE. They just wanted to ride on the mower. The girl is 8 years old.
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