Sunday, July 15, 2007


I woke up the other night itching. My ankles were killing me. My upper legs and my armpits were killing me. Everything seemed to be itching. After getting up the next morning, I realized I had been bitten by something. . .a lot.

I'm now into day two of this pain and the bite areas have formed clear blisters. It's gross. They itch non-stop. I put on some anti-itch cream. They allowed only temporary relief. Before going to work this morning, I put more cream on the bites around my ankles and covered the blisters with band-aids. Tonight the only relief I had was when I removed the band-aids. The pain of ripping leg hair out was enough to make me forget about the itch for a few moments.

So what bit me? For a while I thought it was a spider. Then, I found out today that the nasty creature eating my flesh is called a CHIGGER. I was complaining about the bites to someone at work and he diagnosed me.

I read the wiki page for CHIGGER. It doesn't make me feel any better. At this point, I have to suffer through the bites until they heal themselves. The bug has already left me. And after it left me gave me a present. About fifteen presents.

I believe I picked up the bugs on Glassy mountain. I went there alone the other night to try and get some mountain shots as the sun was setting. Here's what I got. Hope the shots are worth a week of pain.


One Scrappy Gal said...

I feel your pain! Chigger bites are the worst... the last 10 years of living in the south showed me how annoying they are!!

Speed Seeker said...

Seems to me I remember reading about bites you got last year, but I don't remember if they were from hiking. Those things sound nasty. Hopefully you're not itching for too long and get better soon. Those are great pics by the way.