Monday, August 06, 2012


I thought I would spend some time this weekend catching up on the Olympics.  We've been watching off and on all week and I was hoping to see some more great events on the weekend.  Saturday and Sunday I was most excited to see the women's and men's tennis gold medal matches.

As it turns out, it seems like the majority of the times I turned on NBC to see what was happening I was presented a volleyball match.  Beach volleyball.  Indoor volleyball.  Men's volleyball.  Women's volleyball.  It started to feel like that was all that was happening in London.

I was getting news alerts on my phone that the men's track events were happening and some other things, but I guess we can't watch those things in real time in America.  We have to check out the next variety of volleyball.  Maybe they'll show us track events at 11pm after I go to bed.

Between all the volleyball matches, they did manage to show us the tennis games I was hoping to catch, so I guess I can't complain too much.

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