Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Measuring Retirement

It might seem that I am a bit young to be thinking about retirement but I think about it often.  I'm not to the point of setting up a countdown timer yet, but I have been thinking about that too.

The reason that I bring this up is because Cari and I had a discussion about this recently.  She will be finishing school shortly and has been thinking about the job that she will have after that.  When I made a comment that she would be getting a job just in time for me to retire she stopped and gave me the look.  The one that told me I had said something wrong.  

My wife informed me that we would retire together.  She said that I should continue with my job until she is ready to retire.  That sounds great doesn't it?  My argument is that I have already put in nearly 20 years of going to work while she was at home.  Twenty years is a pretty good headstart toward retirement in my book.   

Now she'll say that during those years at home she was caring for our children and running the house.   All of that is true and she has done marvelous things in the years she spent taking care of us all.  Her argument is that those years count in her time worked toward retirement.  That puts us on equal ground on the road to retirement.  With that argument I have to agree.  Her time at home does count in equal amounts.  But does that mean I'm not qualified to have some years taking care of the house too?  Just because there won't be young children in the house (there won't be) while I'm doing it doesn't mean it doesn't count.  


Cari said...

How will you take care of the house with no one but us living in it? I know that I am not as organized as you, but I don't want you touching my stuff.. You will have nothing to do... Stay at work!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

The kitchen will be rearranged, Cari's things will be moved to only heaven knows where and unless Cari still will do the toilets they won't get done!