Friday, July 11, 2014

The Commotion

We were behind the house and started to hear a lot of commotion from the front of the house.  Cari and I went to the front porch and heard two birds just going crazy.  After just a minute we had spotted both of them.  One of them was on a branch very close to us and was watching us closely as he cried.

Both birds were a light grey color with a small black patch on the head.  These are sometimes called "Cat birds".   We didn't see any nests but the birds were very irritated we were there.

We eventually got bored with the noisy birds and went about our day.   A little more than an hour later the kids came and asked what all the noise in the front trees was about.  We went back to check again and found the same two birds continuing their fits.  

This time we noticed a baby bird tucked away on a lower branch.  I got my camera and started to photograph what was happening.

That's when I noticed it.  The eye of a cat hidden away in the flowers.

The mystery solved.  It turns out the commotion was just some birds trying to harass an innocent cat enjoying a beautiful summer day.  


Anonymous said...

Great photos. Neat story.


Mark said...

Right on! Poor cat getting hassled on a nice summer day minding its own business. :(