Thursday, August 07, 2014

A Letter From a Fan

When you were younger did you ever write a letter to a celebrity?  Maybe it was someone on the radio or on one of your favorite television shows.

With social media and the internet it is much easier to interact with the people that entertain us.  You can write a comment on YouTube, Tweet to them, write on Facebook, etc. . .  That's why I was so impressed when my youngest drew a picture for one of the celebrities that entertains her.  Now, she doesn't have access to writing comments on YouTube or Twitter, but she wanted to draw a picture and mail it to one of the people she likes watching on YouTube.

Her artwork is for the guys at The Diamond Minecart.  They make videos about the game Minecraft and they advertise a PO Box (in London) for fans to contact them.

Cari and I were so impressed with her initiative to want to do this that, of course, we helped her get an envelope properly addressed and took her to the post office to get it sent off the right way.

I'm not sure how much mail these guys get, they have over 3 million subscribers, but it sure would make our daughter's day to get a reply.   Fingers crossed for her.

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