Sunday, January 07, 2007


It's time again for the Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby. They hand you a block of wood, a small page of rules, and tell you to build a car. A car faster than everyone elses block of wood.

Yesterday we all got together to share a scroll saw and help each other get started. Randy didn't have much interest in how his car would look. I drew a profile on the side before cutting. When I showed Randy, he accepted what I had drawn. After my rough drawing I walked over and cut it out.

We were all having a good time talking and helping the boys get started. Until she came in. Cari came over to see how it was going and announced she would be making her OWN car. She declared it would blow away any car that the men would make.

That's all it took for one of our neighbors to start a second car. One for his boy, and one for him to beat Cari. Another father also started a car of his own to race against Cari.

It wasn't long after that, when the peer pressure got to me. Cari came up and made a personal challenge to me and handed me another block of wood. Now I too was building a second car.

Using a ruler, I made precise measurments, arefully marking the profile of my new car. My neighbor had already started on his car and was now sitting alone to the side of the room. When Cari went over to see how he was doing, he hid his work. Some kind of top secret design. This is serious competition. We were no longer talking and sharing.

One of the Cub Scout leaders came in and saw that we had abadoned our children's cars and were working diligently on our own. She commented that so much more precision and effort was going into these cars compared to the cars for the boys.

The contest is next Saturday. As I get my car completed, I'll post some pictures of it. It already is looking faster than Cari's car.

A lot faster.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Ed! I hope you blow the doors off Cari's car...hehe

Anonymous said...

My money is on Cari's car. When she gets something in her head get out of her way. And do you really want to live with her if she does not win. Good Luck to all. And make sure you get Randy's car done along with your car too.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. GO CARI GO!!! No offense Ed but I gotta go with the lady here. I hope Randy's car does well too. Maybe Cari should help with his!!?? Hehe. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

OOOHHH KAAAAYYYYY...... sounds a little freaky to me. What's your reward to her when she wins? heh heh. Good luck to both of you. And remember.... its all about fun. Yea... Its only a game.......

Michelle said...

What if Randy's car beats both yours and Cari's car? Then do you still get the bragging rights since you essentially constructed his? These types of details are best sort out before the competition, or in the end the gloating is much less satisfactory. :)

One Scrappy Gal said...

I'm rooting for Cari!! Sorry to be such a turncoat...but we gals have to stick together! I look forward to hearing all about how her car broke the time/space barrier. :)

Mojo Jojo said...


We do that at church every year for RA's. Since I have 2 boys, I'm the only mom in RA's.

We race every year against another Baptist Church - Yes, the adults race also. I made 2nd place last year and lost to a pickle.

No seriously, the race car was in the shape and color of a pickle. It was very funny looking but hey, not many people can claim that they were beat by a pickle.

We are getting ready to race within the next month again and I haven't even started on my car yet. I took the lasy route and went to Hobby Lobby, buying a pre-cut car.

One of our church members volunteers to cut our cars for free but I got tired of the same old shape.