Saturday, April 26, 2008

American Idol

We've been watching American Idol this season. We prefer to Tivo it and watch it whenever we have time. Sometimes that means we fall behind a few days or even a week. It also means that we fast forward through a singer if they aren't great in the first fifteen seconds.

My favorite to watch was Christy Lee Cook. What a cute girl! When Christy started to sing last week, Cari hit the fast forward.

"WAIT!" I shouted. Cari looked at me and rolled her eyes. She knows I think that Christy is cute. "She's REALLY good. I want to hear this song," I pleaded.

In my head, I had tuned out the noise coming from the television. I just wanted to watch. Cari was disgusted that I thought the singing was good.
"Simon is going to say it sucks." Cari argued. I bet against her so that I could keep watching. After the noise stopped, the judges had their say. Simon said it wasn't the best, but it was pretty good.

Honestly, I was surprised he said that. I looked at Cari and said, "Told ya."

The next night Christy was voted off of American Idol. As soon as it was announced, I looked at my wife and said, "Man, she was awful".


Anonymous said... for her until she is kicked off :)

d e v a n said...

haha! Too funny.

Farm Girl in MD said...

my brothers agree with you. I agree with Cari.

rakethetable said...

I don't watch it.


I can understand your wanting to watch 2 minutes of her sing.

One Scrappy Gal said...

Did she throw a shoe at you? I would have!

Poptart said...

What's American Idol?