Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring has arrived!

Tuesday was a bit cooler than it had been, but it is still spring around here. Cari and I took advantage of my day off and headed to Falls park in Greenville.

It was one of those mornings that you start to wish you had stayed in bed. I was kinda grumpy and things just kept slowing us down. I loaded up some geocaches and typed up the list in Word. When I tried to print the sheet, the printer was out of ink. I popped in a cartridge and it still wouldn't work. I called Epson customer service. It turns out that I have a defective cartridge and will wait for them to send me a new one. Cari started to hand write all my notes and I went to get ready.

We were at least thirty minutes behind my goal as we left the driveway. Once we arrived downtown I followed signs that said "PARKING". I pulled into the parking garage to find that it was not public parking. The garage belonged to a private company and they only opened it on the weekends. I really wish their signs had said that. I squeeled the tires as I left their stinking private garage. We went back into the streets and found a public garage.

Once we got going I started feeling much better. The flowers and trees were blooming, it was quiet in the park, and the sun was shining.

Cari found a small turtle laying on the path. We took some photos of it and put him in the river (near the top of the falls). He didn't move and I wondered if he was dead. Later we stopped in to check on him and we saw him digging in the mud.

Cari and I also found a few geocaches as we had a great time walking the park together.

That night I met with the bride's parents for the wedding I shot last month and they ordered a ton of prints. That means I got to order a new lens for my camera!

What I learned on Tuesday is to never give up on a day because of a rough morning. You never know what the rest of the day will bring.


rakethetable said...

good job. never give up

d e v a n said...

nice pics. I love spring.

Farm Girl in MD said...

YAY for spring!!

One Scrappy Gal said...

Likewise, there have been mornings that started off perfectly but the day ends with you contemplating suicide. You never know what the day will bring. :)