Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Cari took this photo of Meredith playing across the street last week. I'm not going to talk about volleyball or the girls hanging on the net after they were asked not to. I'm going to talk about that brown field in the background. See it? To the left, near the top. You're probably thinking, "Hey! Why does Duck's neighbor have a field of wheat?"

My reply, "That's not wheat, it's dead grass."

That's my neighbors house. I talked about him not long ago. He's "Yard Maniac Guy" He's the guy that likes to cut grass every third day and last year killed his yard and started over. I suggested he may have done it to get out of the house.

We were all starting to wonder about him again when we noticed a nice tan color stretch across his yard. The wondering came to an end yesterday when Cari bumped into them at the grocery store. Cari came right out and asked what he did to his yard.

Cari told me that tears filled his eyes as he said, "It was an accident this time." The poor guy put some weed killer over his entire yard and it took out everything. At least that was his story while in front of his wife.

1 comment:

Poptart said...

Ok, how do you accidently spread weed killer over your ENTIRE yard??

It looks like dirt!

You should raise the blades on his lawn mower in the middle of the night. Or just remove them completely.