Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Why I Stubbed My Toe

Have you ever wanted a drink of water in the middle of the night?

At that point you can either take your cup and dip in the toilet for a quick drink or you can walk to the kitchen and use the cold water from the door.  I almost always choose the walk to the fridge.

When I got to the kitchen it was dark, as expected, and I went to turn on the fridge light.  The one that illuminates the water and ice on the door.  I fumbled momentarily in my half sleep state.  My finger slid across the control pad trying to recall the button order.  I counted the raised buttons and pushed one.  I think I just selected crushed ice.  Another slide across the buttons, another blind push.  Nothing.  I think I had tried to turn the light off.

I waited a moment for my eyes to adjust to the blackness.  That's when I gave up on the light and walked over to get a glass from the cabinet.


My foot struck something hard.  This wasn't a random toy.  This was. . . this was a chair.  Why?  Why was there a chair in the middle of the kitchen floor?  Oh!

Glass in hand I went back to the fridge for my water.  That's when I realized what would have prevented a stubbed toe.

Glowing buttons.  These buttons on the outside of the fridge door need to be illuminated.  Not much.  Maybe during the day you wouldn't even notice. But at night, late at night, they would provide a soft glow around their edges.  With the word "on" visible in the center of the button.  The one you would push to turn on the small light. Enough light to show the shadows of a chair. You know, the chair that only appears in the middle of your kitchen floor at two in the morning.

Or, if glowing buttons are too much trouble, you can always dip your glass in the toilet.


Anonymous said...

You have a roaming chair my friend. Who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!

C said...

funny post