Sunday, June 26, 2011

Book Review?

I'm not sure how to write a book review.  Heck, I honestly don't read that many books.  But I just finished reading one.  A good one.  The book is called Resolute.

It's about the explorers in the early to mid 1800's that were looking for the Northwest passage through the arctic.  Most were from England, but some American sailors play a role in this story as well.  If you read this book you will learn about deadly situations that men will put themselves in to gain glory, not only for themselves, but also for their country.  These men were heading into uncharted waters in deadly conditions. Each expedition was creating hundreds and thousands of miles of coastline maps. 

There are a lot of characters involved in this story and the author does a great job of keeping everyone straight and telling you the importance of each one.  

Yes, this book is historical and tells the story of historical events, but it's also a story of adventure. At every page I wondered if a particular expedition could be saved.  How could they get themselves out of this one?  Who would be the first to discover the Northwest passage?  

This blog isn't a book review, I'm still not sure how to do that.  This is more of a recommendation.

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