Thursday, February 06, 2014

Ice Racing!

We finally got some snow!  Last week on Tuesday afternoon this white stuff started coming out of the sky and people FREAKED OUT!

I stayed at work and mentally prepared myself for the drive home.   More treacherous than the slippery roads was the other drivers.   On one extreme you have the majority of drivers that under estimate their ability and max their speed at 10mph.  On the other extreme you have guys in 4-wheel drive trucks that over estimate their ability and try hitting the 45mph regular speed limit.   More often, it was the guys in that 2nd group that I saw sitting in a ditch.

I made my way through traffic, passing cars left and right at the blazing speed of 30mph.   As I made my way into town I saw a car slipping back on a hill with a line of cars behind.  I was in the fast lane not slipping at 30mph.  Maybe I was just lucky.

I got home at sunset and there were about fifteen kids in my yard and the yard across the street sledding.
We stayed out until after dark sledding with the neighbors to enjoy the rare snow.

The next morning I got up like usual and made my way to work.  Thankfully most people were scared to leave their homes and there was very little traffic for me to deal with.  I saw some limited areas of ice on the road but honestly, the conditions were not that bad if you remained alert.

A coworker texted me that I should be careful on the road that he saw ten cars wrecked that morning.  I replied that I had only seen one but I may have missed some because I was driving so fast.

By Thursday the roads were back to normal with people back to not paying attention.  I'm going to miss the days I had of ice racing my way to work.  Maybe we'll get another chance before Spring hits.

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