Saturday, September 30, 2006

No topic

No topic today. Just writing.

Is it just me, or does it seem this blog is becoming Duck's Hike blog? I scrolled down the page last night after posting and saw mostly just pictures from recent hikes.

It's been busy at work and my days off seem to be too few. My favorite part of the schedule rotation is coming up. I'll be off four days out of six. Cari and I are already planning our hikes during that time. I'm sure I'll be putting up pictures from those hikes too.

I just got home from work and I'm tired today. Stayed up too late last night and got up at five this morning. It was so busy at work and then I started really dragging around four this afternoon.

My car hasn't had a bath in over a month. Does anyone want to volunteer to wash it for me? It won't take long, but I'm just not motivated to do that. I'm too busy typing.

Well, more later. Have a good night.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

No worries. I like the pictures. I havent really been hiking in a really long time. There really isnt anywhere too close to do so. Looking forward to some new pics!!!