Thursday, December 30, 2004

I used to be famous. . .

now I sell appliances.

One of the guys I work with is Browning Bryant. In the late 60's and early 70's Browning was a young singer, maybe about 15 years old. He must have had some form of success, he was on Kraft Music Hall several times and on Johnny Carson at least one time in 1970.

Now he sells appliances.

He still sings, but not commercialy. I was reading on forum of the yahoo group all about Browning and found that he does sing for family and friends. You can "donate" $15 to Browning and he'll mail you a current CD of his voice. I've never heard his music, so I'm not sure what it sounds like. It's just strange to watch a guy selling a washing machine and thinking he was on Johnny Carson.

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