Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Things you find on a hike

Cari and I went for a hike the other day while the kids were in school. I took my camera, she took her sketch book. We found some pretty cool things. On the way into the trail we saw this poster:

We each carried a walking stick and talked about our bear strategy as we walked the trail. Every squirrel that twitched made us pause and look around. This is the same trail where I saw animal prints as I hiked alone. remember?

On our way out we passed a family with several small children hiking. We figured if the kids made it in, we could make it out. Surely, if a bear was hungry it would have gone for the small children.


Tammy said...

Very cool pics

John said...

You don't have to be faster than the bear. Just faster than Cari.

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Your photography is getting better and better! There are two photo blogs I love to look in on. Here are the links. Maybe you'll enjoy them too.... and get good ideas.

Hey, I sure am glad you guys didn't get eaten this week! *hee hee hee* But it must have made the walk a LOT more interesting!

Michelle said...

Did you ever hear about the guy who did the documentary living with bears, and how he got eaten after 13 years of living peacably with them? I guess his girlfriend suffered the same fate as he. I think W.o.Paper told me about it.

Duck Hunter said...

Thanks for the comments! I did check those links, Abbie, they are pretty cool.

John- I know that I can outrun Cari, that's why she's my hiking partner.

Michelle- Never heard the story, but it reminds me not to move in with wild animals.