Thursday, March 11, 2010


Cari and I started a workout routine this week.  We're being advised by our very own personal trainer.  Our trainer is my friend Rick.  He is in school to become a certified personal trainer and offered to let us be the guinea pigs of his new knowledge.

We're still in the beginning stages of this program, but already Cari decided to make this a competition between the two of us.  Why must every little thing become a competition?  It's not that I'm complaining about a new contest, I'm happy to beat her in any contest that she creates.  It's just that I was surprised when she presented this one so soon into our new work out.  It didn't take her more than an hour to think of this one.

The challenge:  A foot race around the block.  No short cuts through the neighbors yard allowed.  You may find that rule unnecessary, but then you probably haven't been involved in any of our challenges.  In some ways it's like Nascar.  Every rule must be spelled out and then the competitors push the boundaries of the rules.

A date has been set almost two months into the future.  I believe it will be the first Sunday in May.

I won't lose this one.  Really, I won't.


RoadRunner said...

Has ticket master already started selling tickets to the event?

Poptart said...


Unknown said...

You know that I will win. I am just waiting to see WHAT I get when I am first back to the house.

Anonymous said...

Where can we purchase our "TEAM CARI" tshirts??

Duck Hunter said...

"Team ED" shirts are MUCH cheaper and they have a much better design. You can find "Team Cari" shirts on the clearance rack.

Roadrunner- I tried to get with TicketMaster but they had fees and taxes that triple the normal ticket prices so we're selling direct for this event.