After you put all of your fabric butterflies in the belly of the beast, the participants must get their nets ready. The elephant has a long trunk that aims toward the ceiling and as the butterflies make their escape, it's your job to capture them in your net. To get the action started, one person needs to reach around and flip the switch at the base of the tail.
Initially you will get a burst of butterflies. After that, it will be a few at a time until they have all come shooting out of the trunk. Each round lasts about two minutes.
I knew that the kids would love it, especially Brenna, and I was right. What surprised me was how into the game the adult got. I was taking photos of them playing, and you can see how desperately the adult wanted to win. I've documented three types of play that I describe as fouls.
Elefun is a fun game as the name suggests. While it may look like a child's game, even the adults enjoy this one. One thing that the rule book doesn't describe is how to handle players who constantly foul. I wish the makers of the game would have addressed this common problem, but it is easy enough to create house rules to fix this problem.
Or you could just make her sit in the corner like I did.
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