Monday, August 05, 2013


It was bound to happen at some point but I was still surprised when I got the call.

me:  hello.
co-worker:  tell me about duckhunter75
me: (laughter)

Someone at work discovered my YouTube channel.  They were searching for information about a local hike and in their search results they saw my picture in a thumbnail.  That person called over his buddy who called another guy.   These three made it their mission to scan through my videos and share them with more co-workers until, finally, one of them called me to brag about the discovery.

I post all of my videos public, like this blog, so I always knew that my YouTube channel could be discovered.

I immediately had thoughts of locking down my videos but I decided against it.  Over the next few days at work I had to put up with a few jokes and comments about my antics on YouTube and I mostly reacted by telling them I'm glad my videos entertained them.

Up to this point I don't believe anyone from work has come across this blog (also posted publicly). When they do, because I believe it will happen at some point, they will find a treasure of about 1,800 posts (as of this one).   The blog is linked on the older videos, and every video on my YouTube account is tagged with DuckNotes.   Some curious viewer will likely come across this page and that's okay too.

Ultimately, you are not anonymous online.  I wasn't really making much efforts to remain anonymous besides leaving out my name, but I believe everyone can be discovered if they are active online.   If you are using the internet and creating content you should keep that in mind because you will be discovered.


Aaron said...

Tell me about DuckHunter75.

Oh, the fun I could have answering that question. :D

Laura A said...

A friend of mine mentioned I had a blog at a teacher inservice once. I nearly had a heart attack. (and I promptly went home, set it to private and tried to re-read all my posts to see if I needed to delete any!) Now I'm just more careful what I write since it is out there for anyone to read!