Monday, September 25, 2006

Why did they do that?

I was out taking pictures yesterday for a long term project I'm working on. As I was knelt down taking a picture, I felt something bite my ankle. I look down to my right foot and see fire ants covering my shoe and on my jeans up to my knee.

I quickly slid my hands down my pants to try and brush the bulk of them off. Then without untying my shoe, I pulled it off and tossed it a few feet away. My sock quickly followed.

All the while, ants are biting my ankles. Several had gripped onto my hand and started to chomp on my fingers. I was franticly trying to get them off of me.

Within just a minute or two I had most of them off of me. I killed a few more that I found crawling on my shirt. I had been bitten about eight times on my foot, ankle, and hand. Not bad for the amount that were on me.

As I was picking them out of my sock and crushing them between my fingers I started to wonder. What were they thinking? I obviously had stepped on a nest of them, but it didn't seem I was standing in it when they attacked.

Did they really think they were going to take me down? I'm close to six feet tall. A fire ant is about an eighth of an inch tall. Even with a hundred on me, I wondered why they did that. What were they thinking?

So I destroyed a portion of their home. I think if a giant came and destroyed my home, I would much more likely go build another one. Biting his ankle just wouldn't be my first option.

I finished killing the ants that were on my shoe and then I took the rest of my photographs. It's really too bad so many ants had to lose their lives yesterday.


Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Yikes! Last year I took my kids, daycare kids, and my kid's friends to the park (total, 11 kids and 2 adults). We went on a nature walk. When climbing a tree, on boy stepped in a yellow jacket nest. He was stung many times and had to go to the hospital. Everyone in our "group" was stung at least twice. It was horrible. All kinds of kids screaming, crying. I was physically dragging children out of the forest. It was a nightmare. I smeared mud on the stings to pull out the poision. We went home. Anyway, your ant story made me think of it.
(Golly, can you just imagine what its like to have to hear me talk on the phone? Frightening, isn't it?)
So, what light did you end up picking? Was it one in your photo?

Michelle said...

This post made my ankles itch.