Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blame Game

I was taking some portraits of the kids last night in the office and started trying to move the light around for a different look.  After the kids got bored and ran off, I decided to take a few self portraits before putting everything away.  I mounted the flash on top of the door with my flexible tripod to get the light up high.  

I took a few shots and then went back to the camera to see the results.  As I was knelt down reviewing the shots, the flash came falling from the sky and landed beside me with its guts spilled on the floor.  The sound it made on that hard floor was sickening.  

Immediately, I looked for someone to blame.  The kids were no where near me.  I checked to see if a cat had bumped the door, but didn't see a kitty.   Unfortunately, there was nobody to blame but myself.  

The top heavy flash had succumbed to the power of gravity and fell to its death.  I popped the batteries back in but the flash would not power up.  I put in some new batteries hoping that would fix the nasty rattling I heard inside the flash.  Still no power.  I did a quick search online to find that I was not the first one to have killed a $180 camera flash.   Cari was out with some friends while I did this.  When she got home I had to tell her what I had done.  

As I told my story, she realized that I wasn't going to blame her cat or our kids.  She comforted me and assured me we would work the budget to purchase a replacement.  Cari also let me know how grateful she was that it was my own fault.

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