Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Morning Sheep!

It's Valentine's Day.  A day . . . hmmm.

I sat down this morning to tell you how Valentine's Day was invented by the greeting card companies to make more money.  I was going to call you a sheep for blindly following such a silly and meaningless day.

But then I did some reading to try and validate my argument.  Most of my reading was done on Wikipedia, since everything there is 100% true and unbiased.  ;-)

This morning I learned that Valentine's Day has been around since Medieval times in Rome.  While it has changed a bit over time and some other stories about St. Valentine have been created to romanticize the holiday, I had no idea that this holiday went back so far in history.  It was even a part of the Roman Catholic Calendar of Saints until 1969 when it was removed by the Pope.  I imagine he did that on a year that he didn't receive enough Valentines.

Having been proven wrong, I offer my apologies for calling you a sheep.  But, realize that Sheep are cute and fluffy critters that shouldn't offend you.   After all, I didn't call you a slug.


d e v a n said...


Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I hope you got your Valentine wish.
