Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Botanical Lunch

With this crazy great January weather, I took the opportunity to walk around the South Carolina Botanical Gardens in Clemson during one of my lunch breaks.  

I have been there several times before, but this was the first time I found this sculpture. 
It's called Crucible: Crucibulum Evoltum

Inside, the stone floor spirals down to the center where a natural spring bubbles up.  Directly above the spring is an opening to the sky.
It was a really interesting sculpture tucked away in the woods and I enjoyed exploring it on a quiet afternoon.  There are probably other treasures out there that I've over looked in my prior visits.

I finished my lunch on a nature trail as I examined the texture of the bark of various trees.

Can you name them all?


Tom said...

Interesting structure. I've seen some of their vine sculptures, but haven't seen that one.

As for the bark, I'm terrible with botany. I'd be barking up the wrong tree, so to speak.

Great photos, BTW.

Lily May said...

These are my best guesses

-oak or tulip?

Did I get any right??

Duck Hunter said...

@Lily you got some right. I admit I don't know all of them 100% myself. I should have written them down when I took them!

I believe the first is a Sourwood. Then pine, maple (I believe), then Oak, not ironwood- but I'm not remembering it at the moment, cedar.

Duck Hunter said...

Um... I'm changing my answer on two of the trees. The last is a Cypress tree. The second I believe is an American Beech. Still trying to figure out the smooth one near the end.