Sunday, March 24, 2013

Family Game Night DOMINATION!

Our most recent family game night was a competition game of Domino's.   The youngest is not old enough to play her own hand so each game night she chooses someone's team to be on.  On this night she, wisely, chose to be on my team.

Once we won the game and retained the game night trophy I loaded up We Are the Champions by Queen to help celebrate.

Once we started using a trophy for our game nights we decided to keep a slip of paper tucked in with it to record the history.  We write the date, the game played, and the winner of the trophy each time the trophy is won.  This was our sixth game with the trophy and there are only two names on the list so far.  50% for dad and 50% for my oldest daughter.

I guess next time we are going to let Cari or the boy choose a game they think they have a chance at.  Until then I'll continue caring for the trophy.

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