Friday, September 26, 2008

Rec Football

Meredith has become a cheerleader for the rec center this football season.  Thursday night she went to a game for the younger group of players.  We were the second game of the evening and as we got there the first game was ending.  The announcer was saying all the boys did good and then he said to give a special thanks to the coaches because, ". . .it's like managing an ant farm out there."

Sure enough the same held true for our game.
I spotted one player from the other team (thank goodness), trying to make an escape up the hill.  It wasn't long before a coach spotted him and chased him back onto the field.  


rakethetable said...

Sounds like the 8 and under softball games we are involved with.

d e v a n said...


Anonymous said...

Where the pic of the cheerleader???