Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Crack Me Up!

I was sifting around some of the archieves of this blog last night and found some posts that I didn't remember writing. I'm certain I wrote them. I just didn't remember them until now. That's why I have a blog. To remind me of the stuff I don't want to forget.

Anyway, I found some stuff that got me laughing. I picked September in 2005 and 2006 and scrolled down. Maybe I was just laughing at myself because I'm kinda like that. Maybe it's actually funny.


Melba said...

I've had this happen before, but mostly with my paper journals. I actually find it somewhat creepy to see my own writing on a page and literally not remember having put it there. That's one reason I love writing so much too, something about physically putting things down and knowing they will last...well it's just great.

d e v a n said...

ha. I kept journals in high school and college. Those were scary to go back and read. yipes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks D.H. ~

For the support about my game. I remember the laughing photos. But wasn't talking hand the culprit there. See just how long I've been around.


rakethetable said...

I love me some cheerwine.