Thursday, June 10, 2010


We have an extra cell phone that we let the kids share.  They can take it with them when the go to a friend's house or something like that.  They also started using it to text now that some of their friends have phones.  Do I think it is kinda crazy that an army of eight year olds have cell phones of their own?  Yes.  But that rant is for a different blog.

Meredith is much more excited about texting than her brother is.  Everyday after school she asks to get the phone.

Recently, we headed out to Liberty Idol to watch the local singing competition.  Meredith took the phone with her and she was sitting in front of me.  I thought I would text her a bit to help keep her from getting bored.

At first, I was texting her that Justin Beiber was on his way to the stage.  We finally agreed that he wouldn't likely be there and this was how our conversation ended:

Me: Are you having fun?
Her: a little stop txting me

Wow.  This coming from the girl that loves to text.  "Stop texting me".
I wasn't expecting that from her.  I also didn't text her the rest of the night.

1 comment:

Culs-de-sac to Cornfields said...

It is crazy that 8 year olds have cell phones, but kudos to your for monitoring it! Just think though, perhaps you are grooming the next great text messaging champion. How much did that girl win last year? $50,000?