Thursday, October 23, 2014

Anderson Cooper "rant"

Last night on Twitter I came across something Anderson Cooper wrote responding to someone publicly.  It said:
.@vandongene dude, you were rude and asking for a selfie near where a soldier was killed. It was completely inappropriate. Think about it

That message from a celebrity interested me so I scrolled through some of the responses as well as the message the Anderson was responding to.

Pretty quickly I saw a story that was developing where some guy requested to take a photo with Anderson at the site of where the Canadian soldier was shot yesterday.  There was a YouTube video posted by the guy wanting a photo.  I watched the video to watch Anderson's "rant".

The guy was clearly in the wrong here but Anderson seemed reasonable considering the situation.   Meanwhile, the guy who started this whole thing was getting pounded on Twitter by people in support of Anderson Cooper.

Most of the tweets and the YouTube video have been removed but the internets saved them for you to see.  Check it out at THIS LINK.

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