Saturday, February 23, 2008

Scandal! Axlegate.

This weekend is time for another Pine Wood Derby with the cub scouts. If you remember last year, it became a very close competition. This year Cari and I didn't make our own cars. We each helped Randy with his. On Friday afternoon, I saw Cari pull some special Dremel parts from the back of the candle drawer.

"Why are those in there?", I asked. Cari gave a sly look without saying anything. I pressed her for an answer. She finally said they were probably still in there from last year.

DO YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED? Her car beat mine by an 1/8th of an inch last year. She cleaned up the axles and wheels with the dremel and even used some polishing compound. When she was done, she hid the parts from me. I never had access to these unknown tools because SHE HID THEM IN THE BACK OF THE CANDLE DRAWER! I ended up polishing my axles by hand. It was a much slower and less effective method.

Of course, she denies "hiding" the parts from me. At first she stated that she didn't know how or when the parts got hidden in that drawer. After several minutes of interrogation, she broke down and told me she probably put them in there while cleaning. I guess putting the Dremel tools into the Dremel box was not convenient. Especially since I might have found them there and won the race! Maybe I should confiscate her trophy and declare myself the winner. Take the poll at the top of the page and help me decide.


Anonymous said...

Liar. Liar. PANTS ON FIRE!!!!!

d e v a n said...

Hey, she still won. You could have thought of that on your own. Fair's fair! Let her keep it.

Anonymous said...

Well this was easier than voting in the primaries. :)


rakethetable said...

Women, can't live with them - pass the beer nuts.

RoadRunner said...

These pine wood derby scandals can get messy.

Aaron said...

You have a candle drawer??

Duck Hunter said...

I'm not getting the votes I had hoped for. Ugh. Results tomorrow. Looks like I'll be voted off the island.

I thought EVERYONE has a candle drawer. Everyone that is married anyway.