Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I wasn't feeling too good when I went to work this morning. By eleven I was unable to do much of anything except sit at my desk and stare. It was time to go home.

As I walked to the car I started feeling nauseous. I started my thiry minute drive home focused on just getting there. Ten minutes later with the window down and the radio off, I realized I needed to pull over. I found an empty field one block off the main road. I stopped the car and took a few deep breaths.

Throwing up is such an unpleasant thing. I think it might only happen to me once every other year. Today would turn out to be that day.

I opened the car door and my stomach constricted. The squeezing was so hard. My eyes were closed tight with pain. I had not eaten anything but my muscles demanded I lean out of my car. The muscles would loosen and then again sqeeze. I didn't open my eyes until I felt my body relax. What an absolutly horrible experience. I found my bottle of water and rinsed my mouth.

I put the seat back in the car and layed there for a few minutes. I was sweating and very tired.
After I finished the drive home, I went immediatly to bed and slept several hours. It's now ten at night and I'm feeling much better. Cari reminded me that I refused to get the flu shot a few months back. So, I reminded her that the flu shot does not prevent people from getting sick, just the flu.

I'm headed off to bed now. I'll wake up at a quarter to five in the morning and try it all again.


rakethetable said...

Get well soon.

People need their supplies!

One Scrappy Gal said...

Wish I hadn't read your post while I was eating breakfast, but I hope you're feeling better now.

RoadRunner said...

rough day. hope you are feeling better.

Farm Girl in MD said...

vomit is such a gross word. It fits its meaning for sure. GET WELL SOON!