Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Randy was a great baby.  He was quiet and happy almost always.  

When Meredith came along we learned that not all babies are quiet and happy.  Although, she was great when happy, she was incredibly loud when she became unhappy.  She was determined that the entire block would hear her complaint.  She was also very difficult at times and you would be unable to calm her.  Cari declared that no baby could be louder than Meredith.  (You see where this is going, don't you?)

Brenna is a generally a happy baby.  She has a cute laugh and now she is starting to babble on and on.  She has also mastered an incredible screech that will make a dogs ears perk up.  The sound is such a pitch and volume that if you are submitted to it more than once in a five minute interval you will have a headache.  The thing about it is that this isn't done out of anger or during a crying fit.  This is her mode of communication.  If she wants out of the high chair, she starts letting out these screeches until you get her down.  When she's thirsty, screeches.  Wants you to pick her up, screeches.  When she wants to get into the bathroom as you close the door, screeches.  

As your ears start to bleed, she smiles at you between screeches.  I have started calling her, in a loving way, "Screechy".  

1 comment:

Melba said...

I think I'm glad you spared us the video clip of her screech!