Saturday, January 05, 2013

It's how Cold?

The radio voice had just told us it's 42 degrees when Cari looked over at me and asked if that was the temperature in the shade or in the sun.

It's a real difference and a valid question.  If that radio voice is measuring in the shade it could be 10 degrees cooler than in the sun.

What resulted from Cari's question to me was a whole discussion of how weather should be reported.

In this age of information and technology we should expect the weather reported to us in a meaningful way.

Just a few of the options about the temperature that I expect to be reported to me:

If you are in the sun.
If you are in the sun with a little wind to your back.
If you are in the shade, under a tree, and the trunk blocks 65% of the wind.
If you are in the shade with no wind.
If you are in the sun but the shade is 2' to your left and the wind is coming off the river.

That's how weather should be reported.  That's the kind of information that I need from my weather reporting.

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