Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Story Cubes

I purchased a new game recently and I think this one may be one of the best.

Rory's Story Cubes is a set of nine dice with a different icon printed on each side of each one for a total of 54 images.
The reason this is one of my new favorite games is because there is really no rules except to use your imagination.  The night I brought these home I kept them in my pocket until after dinner and then, before anyone got up, I revealed my surprise.  I wasn't sure how the kids would react to this kind of game.

I rolled the dice on the table and created a story using the icons that I had rolled.  As I was finishing my story the kids were climbing over each other to be next.  The game was an instant success.

It's great to hear the story that everyone creates from their roll.  Some are funny, some are strange, others are scary, and all five of us were able to create interesting stories with the story cubes.
Since that first night I've brought the cubes with me to dinner a few times during the week and we spend an extra fifteen minutes at the table telling stories.  One of my favorite nights of this was the night that our 11 year old daughter told us a story with a moral.  She created a character loosely based on herself for her story.  When Cari went next she used her roll to continue that story with a moral of her own.  It's interesting to see how people use some of the same icons with completely different uses in their stories.  Next it was my turn and I was challenged to create a story with a moral.  In an instant we had created a variety of this story telling game.  Tell a stories with a theme.

What a great chance this provides for us to create our own content instead of sitting in front of a screen absorbing someone else's content.  Story telling is a great skill to have and I hope by listening and telling these short stories we are all getting better at it.

After having some time with Rory Story Cubes I believe this may be one of my best gaming purchases.

1 comment:

Farm Girl in MD said...

That sounds like a great game!! I may have to add that to my "need" to buy list :) Thanks for sharing!