Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Did you see that?

Sometimes when you see a cute girl (or a cute guy), you might take a second look. You might ask the person next to you, "did you see her?". Then there are other times when neither of those options are really appropriate.

Times like the other day when I was driving with my wife and her sister in the car. Sitting at a red light, I hear a motorcycle behind me. Looking in the rear view I see a blonde haired girl. This is not a stereotypical biker chick. This girl is cute. Wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, long blonde hair with no helmet, riding a motorcycle. Not something you see every day. It was one of those times I would have said, "Hey, check her out.".

I look in the back seat at Cari. She is half asleep just looking ahead. Next to me, Cari's sister is listening to the radio.

When the light turns green, the biker gets along side of us and I take another glance. Then she speeds off in front of us. I keep up with her for a while, but she zooms ahead. At the next red light, we are beside her. Now my sister-in-law notices. "That's a chick on that bike.", she says with some surprise. I look over, like I had not noticed until this moment. "oh, yeah.", I say trying to sound uninterested. I almost laugh out loud because I'm really thinking, "YEAH! Check her out!".

Cari and her sister weren't paying much attention after that, but I kept up with this biker girl for a while longer. The motorcycle finally sped off faster than I was willing to drive.

I have not shared this story with anyone yet. Not even Cari. She'll learn it when she reads this. Oh, man.


Speed Seeker said...

Oh Man is right...

I like to do the same thing, but of course sometimes the company isn't fitting for such a comment. Simply because of how some minds can wander and read way too much into what you are really saying. Causes for too much unwanted trouble. ;)

John said...

Heh heh.

You gotta talkin' to coming.

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Was that really real? Or just "an article" from playboy (with a more detailed ending). Heh heh. John is right. You've got something coming your way.... and if it were Mark, I'd be kickin' his ass. Well, its reality, right. What ya gunna do?
Good luck.

Duck Hunter said...

I got a text message while at work after Cari read this. It said, "read your blog."

Yeah, this is a true story. It's also true she didn't know about it until she read it. She didn't kick my butt, but she wasn't laughing as hard as I was.