Friday, August 11, 2006

Ongoing Problem

We drove out to see a covered bridge today. Campbell's Covered Bridge was built in 1909. It is the last extant covered bridge in the state. It's 35 ft long and 12 ft wide.
The bridge is in the middle of nowhere. There are a few houses on the same street as the bridge. I imagine it is frustrating for the home owners having all these cars passing up and down your street. I started thinking that tespassing on private property could become an issue with so much traffic. One clue in particular lead me to that conclusion was this house:
It seems the small sign nailed to the side of his house and now circled with spay paint wasn't enough. Click on this picture to see more detail. Maybe he should have posted it closer to the road. That would have prevented people from walking up to his house thinking, "Hey, what's that sign say?"

It's funny that when his sign failed him, he resorted to painting obscene words on the side of his house. If I ever became that desperate, I assure you that Cari would not allow this tactic to be used. If this guy ever decides to sell that car laying dead between the trees, I wonder if he'll just spray, "For Sale" onto it.

It was a long drive to an area we had not visited yet. The bridge was interesting. Thankfully nobody shot at us while we were there.

1 comment:

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

That made me laugh so hard. Its really sad though. Desperate is for sure. Poor people!
The picture is great! The bridge is beautiful... and so is your family!