Saturday, August 26, 2006

Snakes on a Rock

I got a text message on my phone while at work. "Buy snake poison", it read.
Something happened I thought. I called Cari, "What's going on?"
She said in a hurried voice, "There was a snake in the yard on the rocks."
"How big was it?", I asked trying to picture the scene.
"Four inches.", she said.
I looked at my co-worker in the room who was listening to my end of the conversation. Maybe this was a joke. "Four inches?", I repeated. "Did you mean four FEET?".
"No, four inches. Well, maybe three inches.", Cari answered as she was obviously looking at the snake.
"Did you pick it up and move it?", I asked her.
"I want enough snake repellent to cover the yard.", she told me.

This conversation went on for some time. As you might have gathered, Cari is not a big fan of snakes. When I asked what the fate of the snake was, she told me that the neighbor boy killed it with a golf club. They picked up the body and put it into a pickle jar for identification.

"Why did you kill it?", I asked.
"It tried to bite me!", Cari said. She continued, "It was striking at me. It had it's mouth open!"

Ok, a four inch snake can't possibly have that much reach when striking. Still, the neighbor boy took his club and smashed the snakes head. This all seemed a bit much for me. When I got home from work I found the snake in a jar. Sure enough, our very own Anaconda.


Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that Duck is afraid of frogs...


Speed Seeker said...

Hehe...Nice one Cari. Tammy is afraid of Rabbits and I'm not sure if I'm afraid of any animals, but a striking snake would be a bit unnerving. Good thing a child was around to protect everyone...hehe

Are those snakes common in your area?

Ruby's My Spy Name said...

Frogs? Why? Its not like you live in Venezuela.
What kind of snake is it?
That comment about the having a child protect eveyone make me crack up. If you get a few more, you could keep them in the garage and charge little kids in the neighborhood to see them. (No seriously....)
Have a great week!

Tammy said...

Thanks for telling the world my little secret Robin!!!!! Everyone is afraid of something, sometimes they just don't know what it is until they come across it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a Mid-land or Possible a Northern Water Snake. Both are popular in the Carolinas.


Duck Hunter said...

It is a watersnake, good eye, J.

About the frogs. I'm not really afraid. I just think they are nasty. Don't need any nasty frogs touching me. Right? Thanks for pointing that out, Cari.

I totaly understand fear of rabbits too, because after watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail, ouch.

Michelle said...

I'm going to see snakes on a plane tonight at the drive in. it might just inspire me to have Kel cover the yard with snake poison too.