Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Suspect #1

I had to go looking for the baby.  She was quiet for about fifteen minutes and I knew with that much peace and quiet something was wrong.  As I hunted her down, she emerged from her brother's bedroom.  This is the look she gave me. . .
 I smelled it before I saw it.  "What's on your face?", I asked her.  She admitted it was chocolate.  Of course, she refused to readily give up details and I had to dig for every bit of information I was going to get.  There was probably a stash of wrappers or remaining chocolate stashed somewhere and I had to find it.

Using my detective skills I asked, "Where did you get the chocolate?"  At first she told me it was from the garbage.  But upon further questioning she admitted it was in my room.

I lead suspect #1 into my room and had her show me what she was talking about.  There in the corner, next to the Dora pillow was half of a Little Debby cake package.

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