Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are you too old?

Trick-or-treating.  What's the age limit on this activity?  Because truly you will not run into an age limit of your love of sugary treats.  And you don't really run into an age limit where you stop liking when people give you free stuff.

Who decides when you're too old for going door to door looking for candy? Let me tell you. . . mom decides.   I'm not suggesting mom is wrong in her choice, I'm just telling you that when the decision is made it will be mom who will put an end to this.  I would suggest that when you are old enough to buy the candy for trick-or-treaters then you are probably too old.

This year only our youngest will be dressing up and hunting the good stuff.   But don't worry, the other two will still be fed plenty of candy to keep them happy.

I'm curious what age you think is the cut off for going out trick-or-treating. . . and who made that decision.


Laura A said...

I don't know when the cut off is on the too old side, we've been trying to figure out the "When is old enough" end of things. Clearly this year, Paige is too young, but I don't plan to let her have candy next year either! Maybe next year will be perfect, she gets candy and mom and dad eat it :)

Duck Hunter said...

Laura, that's exactly right! When you have one that is too young, use that time to collect the candy for yourself!

Anonymous said...

If you aren't willing to put on a costume (uh, I'm, like, a hobo), if your voice is changing, if you're driving yourself, then you won't get any candy from me and you're probably too old to try to extort goodies from the neighbors.